Do you feel out-of-control?
Many of us walk through life wishing it was better, but not knowing how to find the change we want. It’s so hard when life keeps happening to you, and you just can’t seem to get ahead. When your life is out of balance your relationships suffer, your health suffers, and your productivity suffers too. ​
You’re feeling the fray of stress and anxiety
Your relationships aren’t working
You are distracted and can’t focus
You're reacting instead of responding
You can’t keep work and life in balance
You feel stuck or even lost

You’ll have a safe place to explore what matters most to you and bring your life back to center.

Changing is easier when you can see it’s working. You will feel better, and have the data to prove it.

In just 45 days, you will experience positive transformation and set a new course for the rest of your life.
You can do it.
We can help!
In all my years as a researcher, life coach, and teacher, I have found this to be true, no matter where you are today, and no matter how broken you feel, underneath the hurt is all the strength you need to overcome whatever challenges life throws at you.
Through the HAPPY WHOLE HUMAN® coaching program my team of certified coaches and I have helped hundreds of people like you create meaningful change in their lives. They've enjoyed measurable improvements in their happiness, their health, the quality of their relationships, and even in their daily productivity, and so can you.
-Dr. Lisa Leit, Founder
Our proven process

"Dr. Leit’s visionary approach to wellness in an easily accessible format is simply brilliant. From the comfort and convenience of home, by way of the Happy Whole Human Website and the Holistic Wellness Program, one is able to access a healing space that feels personal, confidential and sacred. I felt a sense of inspiration, empowerment and self-indulgence. Going “within” felt like a welcome respite, as a sense of serenity and gratitude washed over me. Thank you!"
"POWERFUL personally."
"Now what you are getting with the happy whole human program, is Lisa in an electronic format. It is truly unlike anything else that exists today. The price is an absolute steal compared to what you would pay in a clinical environment with any therapist/counselor/life coach but for very similar benefits. You need not be riddled with traumatic experiences or major depression either to benefit from the program. Literally every single person in existence would find something valuable to take away from it. It is playing an absolutely imperative role in my (and my husband’s) journey towards self-improvement and self-discovery. Wherever you are in life, if you can agree that you have the slightest bit of room for improvement (we all do) then you need to embark upon the Happy Whole Human adventure."

You can now take the full 140 question assessment for $9.99. The assessment is scientifically validated to accurately track the 28 most critical drivers of holistic well-being.
You discover your specific areas of strength and identify those specific areas where you have room to grow.
The best part is the assessment was designed to be retaken frequently. So you can take it now, try a change or two, then take it again next month and see how much you’ve improved!

Holistic Wellness Course+
Dr. Leit created the Happy Whole Human Fundamentals Course using the best of what she has discovered in 20 years of research and coaching over a thousand clients on finding happiness, relieving stress, and enjoying fulfilling relationships.
Complete with 6 modules that combine DIY coaching with the science of Happy Whole Human, this is not your average set of eCourses! You can learn at your own speed and enjoy this powerful content at whatever time is most convenient for you. All of this comes at a fraction of the cost you would pay a professional.
Reclaim your life and connect to your purpose
Learn to manage stress and emotions
Measurably improve your quality of life
Improve your most important relationships
Take control of your time and resources
Learning emotion and thought management strategies
And as you progress through the courses, you can retake the Happy Whole Human assessment at regular intervals to track your progress in real-time.
The use of the HRCI official seal confirms that these eCourses have met HR Certification Institute’s® (HRCI®) criteria for 30 hours of recertification credit pre-approval. The eCourses are also part (30 hours) of the International Coaching Federation accredited Happy Whole Human ACSTH program, so participants will earn credit they can apply toward an ICF credential or continuing education.

Private coaching
Lasting change doesn’t have to take a lifetime!
If you’ve been trying to change for a while, and just don’t know how to get there. You don’t have to wait any longer.
Over the course of five private, one-on-one sessions, one of our highly-trained professional life coaches will help you achieve the breakthrough you’ve been looking for in less than 45 days. You’ll not only feel the difference, you’ll be able to see it to when you retake the Happy Whole Human assessment and celebrate the results with your coach during your fifth session together.
The Next Right Thing
You don’t have to buy a course or hire a coach today to start taking steps toward a happier, more fulfilling life. You can start right now by taking the Happy Whole Human® assessment today.
Tap the button below to take the assessment and get immediate access to your personalized wellness report.
1. Assessment
You'll start with the 15-minute online assessment to measure the 28 key dimensions of happiness. There are no failing scores! You'll receive a full report showing what's working well in your life right now and what is not.
2. Coaching
Get empowering support. Book a 15-minute tele-session to go over your results with a HAPPY WHOLE HUMAN® coach. Enjoy supplemental eCourses and three virtual coaching sessions with Happy Whole Human Founder Dr. Lisa Leit.
3. Transformation
You will experience a powerful transformation. After just 45 days you'll take the assessment again and be astonished at the results.
Results, Performance, and Integrity